For a world that longs to know, the light of the Gospel is just one servant's heart away.
Missional Life exists to facilitate the Great Commission in the uttermost parts of the world and the Great Commandment here in our own backyard.
The Mission
(3.2 billon people) of the world’s population live in UNREACHED AREAS.
people live in areas that are not only UNREACHED — but they are UNENGAGED.
This means that in all likelihood, unless something miraculous happens, that they will live and die without a Bible in their language, or a church in their community, and maybe they will never hear a clear presentation of the Gospel! But what about all of the money given to churches in America? Published statistics from show us that of every $100 given to a church in America:
will go to ministries within the walls of the church, including the mortgage and the salaries.
will go to ministries within the community.
will go to mission outreaches in “Reached” nations.
out of every $100 given to God’s work goes to reaching UNREACHED peoples.
God has asked Jon to be a part of His mission to get the gospel to Unreached, Unengaged People Groups (UUPGs). He is serving with with One Mission Society as a Church Multiplication Facilitator in Central Africa. Jon’s particular involvement will be to step alongside of national denominational leaders in African countries to help support, encourage, shepherd, mentor and coach. Drawing on his 32 years of pastoral ministry, Jon hopes to invest in the national leaders to help them to reach their countrymen.
Additionally, Jon will also be helping to implement a digital mapping software that is shared by 18 global mission agencies as they work together to identify areas where we new churches need to be planted. This collaborative digital mapping effort will allow for precision church planting by all mission agencies so that efforts will be strategic and targeted.
About Jon & Dawn
For 32+ years, Jon and Dawn have served as a pastor team in America. Their roles gave them experience with teens, college students and adults. From northern Virginia to central coast California, Jon & Dawn followed God’s leading in their lives, always considering their lives to be lived on “mission.”
Along the way, God added another dimension to their ministry — foster care. Dawn and Jon have been privileged to host more than 40 foster children … in fact, they are still serving in this way. Focus on the Family recently had them on their broadcast to speak about fostering children during the formative years, as discussed in their book Missional Fostering. That broadcast aired May 3, 2023.
After Covid, God began to burden Jon’s heart about yet a different mission — this time it was international missions, particularly, the unreached people groups around the world. Not knowing for sure of the location of their next post, but certain that God had asked them to follow His leading, Jon turned his church over to an associate and they moved to Indianapolis so that Dawn could be closer to her parents and that Jon could focus on God’s work of missions in this world.
Get in Touch
Contact Info
If you would like to schedule a call with Jon, please book a time on the Calendly link above. Thanks for taking time to find out more about how God is using Jon to get the gospel into the UUPG’s of this world. If you would like to schedule Jon to speak to your church or group, please schedule a call and he will be happy to speak with you further.
Phone: 661.547.7208
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